Online free seminar Wed 22 June 2022 – h. 17:00 CET (11am ET)

A 30′ free webinar with Stefano Parro.

In July last year, the EU launched a new scheme known as ‘VAT e-commerce package’ aimed to set uniform rules, and facilitated pathways for the B2C import of goods, and services into the Union. Non-EU established providers, and marketplaces have been enabled to exploit an import one-shop-stop system (OSS) providing for their VAT registration in just one member country. For further information read this.

The webinar is designed to give the essential hints of the new OSS scheme and its variations; possibile alternatives; and a review after this initial roll-out period.

Who might be interested? Non-EU suppliers of goods/services, willing to trade single items, or stocks into the EU on a non-DDP basis. Please contact to receive the (zoom) link.




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Author: Carlo Mosca

A lawyer specializing in international commercial transactions. Lexmill's founding partner.

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