Online free seminar Mon 19 December 2022 – h. 18:00 CET (12am ET)

A 30′ free webinar with Carlo Mosca.

On paper, Italy is the Eden for mediation. A bonanza of cases, in fact, fall under a semi-mandatory scheme introduced in 2011. However, they rarely relate to business disputes. So, the typical commercial mediation is still in her prime. Nevertheless, Italian business do not like litigate, and they are open to out-of-court solutions. The point is how to bring them to the table…

The webinar is designed to give useful hints on How to set up a mediation? To make recourse to an ADR center or not? How to select a mediator? What budget to have in mind? How binding may be a settlement agreement?

Who might be interested? Non-Italian companies trading with Italian counterparts, and their advisers. Please contact to receive the (zoom) link.




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Author: Carlo Mosca

A lawyer specializing in international commercial transactions. Lexmill's founding partner.

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