A 45′ free webinar w/ Carlo Mosca.

In each country’s perception, to give green light to foreign judicial decisions is a matter of caution; and when this is the case, it amounts to an act of faith. In fact, we live in a world where interests and social tenets are obviously not the same. In the end, how open to ‘aliens’ the door has to be, it’s a political issue. Much more down-to-earth, recognition (and enforcement) of judgement is of interest for any economic operator who seek satisfaction over a defeated debtor. And the fact that debtor resides abroad is soften a pain in the neck. Not only from a logistic point of view, but also for the legal obstacles that may arise from the mere fact that another jurisdiction is involved.

In the webinar, we will briefly cover how a foreign judgement in commercial matters may be recognized, and enforced in Italy, and in particular-

  • bi- and multilateral agreements; and the legal framework for recognition and enforcement of judicial decisions coming from a no-agreement State
  • time and costs involved
  • alternative paths to get satisfaction, namely arbitration


To receive the link (on zoom) please send a request to events@lexmill.com

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Author: Carlo Mosca

A lawyer specializing in international commercial transactions. Lexmill's founding partner.

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